Going Way Back - Clarion Tech

Anyone else remember this publication series?

ClarionTechBulletin.pdf (561.3 KB)


OMG!!! :slight_smile: Yes, I remember it.

I had several of them on my bookshelf but did some housekeeping. I think they are in the basement. One I liked gave the calculations for a Clarion Date … pre intellidate changes that allow going past 2100.

Looks like that was lucky #117.

ClarionTechBulletinIndex.pdf (1.5 MB)

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Wish those were available. Would love to see them.

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I’ve been tempted to scan and post them, but they’re copyright 1990 by Clarion Software Corporation.

@Jeff - send me an email.

jfClarionTechBulletinContents.pdf (55.1 KB)

Maybe SV could give permission?

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Sometimes the simplest thoughts are the most elegant, Jeff :wink:

I emailed SV and Robert Zaunere said OK to post. So I’ll try to get them scanned and uploaded this weekend.


I have Adobe Acrobat. I can OCR it and post it. It enables the text to be copied and be searchable. (The OCR’d words are positioned under the image, so while it looks the same as the original, it is fully searchable). I see the Tech Bulletin 100 posted above is 578,595 bytes. After doing the OCR on it, it is reduced to 226,905 bytes.

Thanks for the offer, Bob.

I used Acrobat to create the PDFs, and had it do OCR.

As for file size, I think a lot depends on the amount of JPG compression that is used when creating the PDF (the “high quality” slider in my version.) I scanned these as b/w files, so the size is quite small.

I posted the full set that I have in a new thread.


Hi, Bob.

Thanks for the offer.

I used Acrobat to create the PDFs, and had it do OCR.

As for file size, I think a lot depends on the amount of JPG compression that is used when creating the PDF (the “high quality” slider in my version.) I scanned these as b/w files, so the size is quite small.

