I’m using Nettalk to change records in REST API, added record with POST and when I change it with PUT it presents error: 400 - Bad Request.
I’m using npostman for testing and it works perfectly, below the information used with NetTalk.
I did something similar, POST Json data to a GraphQL API Endpoint. I’ve used jFiles to create the JSON as there was a lot of nested data to process it within a single CString variable. Also I need to ensure UTF8 encoded data to be send, so StringTheory did the trick.
Here the code that worked for me:
json JSONClass
str StringTheory
payload &STRING
payloadSize LONG
!WebClient NetWebClient ! Added as Extension to the procedure !
WebClient.HeaderOnly = FALSE
WebClient.AsyncOpenTimeOut = 300
! Create your JSON data
json.SaveString(str, FALSE)
payload &= str.AnsiToUtf8(str.GetValuePtr(), payloadSize, st:CP_ISO_8859_1)
WebClient.SetValue('variables', payload, FALSE, 'json')
WebClient.SetValue('query', 'mutation () {{ }', FALSE, 'json')
WebClient.Post( 'URL-TO-POST-DATA-TO' )
your code looks fine, and comparable to the Curl example, but begs the question;
What is in c:\temp\0000000968.json ?
How does that compare to your json data you are sending?
And if the value of “tipo” is not a string (tipo:J instead of tipo:‘J’) then
“tipo”:\“J\” sould be ,“tipo”:“J” as it was.
BTW the API I´m working with would need the labels including the ‘:’ and would look like this:
‘{{cidade:\“cacapava do sul\” tipo:J razao_social:\“f2e45931e8a24654\”}’
Clearly there is some minor difference in play here that I’ve not been able to glean from your posts.
I recommend you come to one of the user group webinars, on a Thursday, so I can show you how to debug this, and also determine what is the magic detail you are forgetting to tell me