Horizontal Lines on the LIST Control

Anybody know a way to get horizontal lines to show in a LIST control like it can for vertical lines?

Dynamically you can set it via:
?Browse:1{PROPLIST:UnderLine,ColumnNumber} = true

In the listbox formatter in the window designer it is the Underline flag. This adds _ to the format string for the column.

I allow the users to toggle whether or not they want to show grid lines.


Use the _ (underscore) modifier in the FORMAT string. Alternatively, the PROPLIST:Underline can be used at run-time to change this behavior.


Thanks, Rick! I was about to give up.

You can also set Underline for a [Group]_

This can be easier when you have multiple columns you can put them all in a Group to underline them all with 1 setting. There is no need for the group to have Heading Text so it will not change the appearance.

If you have multiple lines and columns in a Group already it is easier to underline just the Group than multiple individual columns. It can also save adding dummy blank columns to fill out the bottom line.


Is a grid like this what you mean?

I don’t recall exactly how set this up, but I don’t think I used the underline property. I think it may have been GridColor.

I’ve got it working by using the underline in the format and setting the GridColor to COLOR:Silver.

Thanks for your help!

The default grid color of Black is a bit bold and distracting so I also like to use light color.

I usually use COLOR:3DLight a System Color to try to match the User’s theme. For the typical theme this is pretty close to Silver.

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