How can i make my tps smaller

Hi, i have a clarion tps file that is too large now. How can i delete half of the file. Lets say the first half of the old records. Clarion 10 on windows 11?

Manually delete via TopScan.exe ?

First up, determine the criteria to delete (filter). After that it should be easy to create a process

Are there any related tables?

Is there a key sorted by something useful, such as a sequential ID or date?

I had a CPD app that archived old data by moving the old records to a new file.

In my case, I was lucky because it was done by the year.

Not much code.

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Thank you for the feedback.

Where can I get a CPD app?. I want to delete recotds older than 2022

It was an app I wrote for my own data in a dos version of Clarion. Its relevence is only to communicate that it is easy to purge old data.

But I also asked questions: If you have related tables, you would also need to take care of those.
If you have a date based key, perhaps you could use that to process your records.
If you want to MOVE those records to another file instead of deleting, you’d need to write code to do that. And you would have to deal with child records, if applicable.


OP would need to identify the criteria for deletion, then process related tables to shrink the file size(s).

Personally I’d either move to a SQL backend or come up with a TPS archive file(s) setup because some end users forget stuff has been removed.