How to Configure the IDE to Edit Errors in Embeds

When working with an APP, most people want to edit their errors in Embed points.

This requires a little configuration.

In the IDE go to Application Options
Note: application options will only open when no app is loaded

Images courtesy of Roberto Renz (uploaded to the ClarionLive skype chat)


Very helpful indeed. Thank you Mark

Excellent! I really appreciate it!!!
Thanks Mark!

Thank you.
valuable tip!

The second editing checkbox on the second screenshot ‘Edit source embeds in context by default’ causes normal embed point editing to be done in the full source editor.

When adding a source embed that empty embed will not show up and the cursor does not appear in or near the new embed point. Clarion 10.0.12799
It works better for me when this is off.

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In Clarion 9.1 The first option is in a slightly different place:

Turn this one Off

Turn this one On