How to debug IP Server crashes?

For some reason our IP Server crashes for a single customer when opening subscreens, like the Customer table, but only in one scenario:

  1. Running the Client from the same machine as the Server - No Crash
  2. Running the Client remotely, Server is on a VPS - Crash
  3. Running the Client in same network as the Server (local network) - Crash

Weird thing is, without going into details, if we open a certain submenu (Settings page) and then open the same Window (Customer browse for example) it does not crash. I know I can’t really ask help for this part - but I am asking for a way to debug why the IP Server crashes, as the Event in Event Viewer doesn’t give much information:

EventID            : 1000
MachineName        : {VPS}
Data               : {}
Index              : 331801
Category           : Application Crashing Events
CategoryNumber     : 100
EntryType          : Error
Message            : Faulting application name: claipdat.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x50786c01
                     Faulting module name: ClaRUN.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x50c8a384
                     Exception code: 0xc0000005
                     Fault offset: 0x0001b0ae
                     Faulting process id: 0x55b0
                     Faulting application start time: 0x01db6cd94fc51f39
                     Faulting application path: {INSTALLATION_PATH}\claipdat.exe
                     Faulting module path: {INSTALLATION_PATH}\ClaRUN.dll
                     Report Id: c004421a-711c-44a8-97fd-fe0e9d165027
                     Faulting package full name:
                     Faulting package-relative application ID:
Source             : Application Error
ReplacementStrings : {claipdat.exe,, 50786c01, ClaRUN.dll...}
InstanceId         : 1000
TimeGenerated      : 22-1-2025 15:24:19
TimeWritten        : 22-1-2025 15:24:19
UserName           :
Site               :
Container          :

We figured out our issue - in one of our files something went wrong with a conversion so a column name wasn’t updated and now doesn’t match with what the DLL for the IP Server expects it to be - if we use TPSFix to fix the file this column gets renamed correctly (I compared both files using TPSScan and exporting it to JSON and using VSCode for comparison) and the crash no longer happens