How to get 'Start in' directory path


My attachment files polling to the ‘Target directory’ as a normal practice. But i wanted to poll into ‘Start in’ directory path. Hence i would need to locate/find the ‘Start in’ directory path. Your suggestions would be much appropriated in advance. Thanks

You can get the current directory at anytime using LONGPATH() or PATH()
So call either of those before you change directories to get the start in path.

On a semi related subject:
You can call COMMAND(‘0’) to get the path of the program that’s running.
( note: that’s a zero )

Help[ Command ]
A flag of ‘0’ returns the minimum path the operating system used to find the command.

Thanks Mark. COMMAND(‘0’) returns Path of the Target folder with file.exe . I am looking for Start in:
Still exploring…


Mark did say this. Use LONGPATH() as soon as your program starts and the current path will be the “Start In” path.

Sorry, i was looking for ‘Start in’ path for ‘Data set’ where the ‘Target’ dir path is different from ‘Start in’ dir path. Thanks