How to have DebugView++ Embedded in the IDE

A while ago I created the (free!) IdeDebug addin to assist with various debugging related things. At the time the only real option for monitoring debug output was DebugView from SysInternals. Recently, @MarkGoldberg came accross the really neat DebugView++ and it turns out you can use this as a direct replacement for DebugView to embed debug output monitoring in the IDE using the IdeDebug addin!

After installing the addin you can specify the path to your debug viewer like this:

Then, activate it from the View–>Tools Menu like this:

And finally, you just need to find a good position for the new DebugView PAD!

The extra cool thing about this is that it will be there whenever you open the IDE, ready to use :smile:

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Is it still ok with Clarion 10?
IdeDebug addin not recognized by C10, I get an error


It should be working fine (I have it in C10.0.12104 here) but as of quite some time you cannot use the Addin Manager to install addins.

I will duplicate those manual installation instructions here on Clarionhub shortly.

Edit: Here is the new topic - Installing *.sdaddin packages

Thanks for the rapid answer.
Working ok now with DebugView++


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