Image add-in suggestions

Can anyone recommend an image add-in that would allow the end user to rotate and/or crop an image before it is store?

I love ImageEx. ImageEx - the ultimate graphics and imaging toolkit for Clarion

There’s also

And I think Mike Duglas might have some tools, but I don’t recall the names.

  1. IMAGE transformations is a template which adds extra abilities to standard IMAGE control:
  • Zoom in and out (with or without mouse wheel)
  • Rotate by any angle (with or without mouse wheel)
  • Background color
  • Context menu (right mouse click)
  1. Photo Corrector is a class/control which allows a user to do everything with an image. The control on the screenshots is an area where the image is displayed, all other controls (tabs, buttons etc) are just a user interface to the class properties and methods.

There’s also the Clarion freeimage project