Is Noyantis menus working with Clarion version 13788

I get no reply from Nayantis Support. Is the Commandbar working with the lastes Clarion ?

Hi Roelf,

So sorry, I saw your email come in and completely forgot to check.
There has been issues with Docked windows in Clarion 11.1 (last 2 - 3 builds). Our products make use of Docked windows when being attached to the AppFrame.

The core issues lie with the new builds of Clarion and not our templates, but until things are corrected I have and will continue to look for workarounds.

To answer your question, I’ll check the 13788 build later and will report back…



HI Andy, Any news on this, I am stuck on Clarion Version 13401, This is a the last time all the templates and styles worked 100%. This makes all the new Clarion versions useless to me and the clients does not want to go back to the old menus. I have 14 applications with this issue. My only other option is to write a .NET menu directly with Codejock and then call my Clarion DLl’s, redering the Noyantis templets useless and my investment waisted.

Hi Roelf,

Sorry, I’ve not had a chance to check yet - things are a little busy of late.

I WILL ensure I at least check the basic demo apps against 13788 early next week and will report back.

