It doesn’t work, what should I check?

Make sure you’ve installed the latest AppBroker (the one that matches your Clarion release) then…

  1. Appbroker index page working (check)
  2. Copy EXE + DLLs needed to the C:\Appbroker\Exec\YourAppDirectory\
  3. Run the EXE in that directory to verify that it work and run
  4. Open the YourApp_index.html file in a browser (IE, FireFox etc) and check it works.
  5. Check that the broker index page work from there (from the YourApp_index.html)
  6. Click the button link to open the YourApp
    If all goes well you should be running your app in your Browser

The link to open you app (that is included in the YourApp_index.html) is:

8080 is the port used by the broker, if you change it to make the broker work
then change it here as well