I also asked Mike Duglas for help but maybe someone here know the answer.
I’m using Stripe API and second call looks like this:
curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges \
-u sk_test_xqpWDTDwbnbfbVYVVpet70mp: \
-d amount=999 \
-d currency=usd \
-d description="Example charge" \
-d source=tok_visa
I meant to use something like this:
loc:link = https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges
loc:postParams = ‘amount=999¤cy=usd&description=“Example charge”&source=tok_visa’
res = curl.SendRequestStr(loc:link, loc:PostParams, respBuffer)
but I don’t know how to use first parameter:
-u sk_test_xqpWDTDwbnbfbVYVVpet70mp:
Thank you