Merging translated menu

I have clients in both Norway and Sweden and translate the Norwegian words to Swedish. In Norway, we use the word “Fil” for File in the menu. In Sweden, they use the word “Arkiv”. I have therefore translated “Fil” to “Arkiv”. But then the local menus won’t merge with the global menu. They show up as two menus named “Arkiv”.
Is there a way to solve this?

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I thought Capesoft AnyText might have addressed this but the docs say "MDI Child Windows do not translate any Menu or Toolbar controls. Thus in an MDI situation where MDI children have their own menu or toolbar, those controls will not be translated."

I would look in MSDN for “MDI Menu Merging” to see if there is anything in the Windows API that can help you. Possibly there is a function call to cause the Menu Merge to be done again that you could call after translation.

Your post reminded me I was in Alesund Norway on a tour where the guide said something like “I wish I could be more humorous. I know many jokes but they are all about Swedes.”


I have looked in MSDN and there is something about manual merging, but I have no clue how to use that.

In the meanwhile the Swedes have to understand that “Fil” is the same as “Arkiv”. And my guess is that they do.
