Moving Back to Clarion from C6.5

I’m planning on jumping back into Clarion at the newest version. Still have active apps in C5.5 and C6, but need to get caught up. Moved to WinDev, a platform I really like, but for the artificial intelligence apps I write, it is simply too slow.

Hence, my return to Clarion.

Other than this community, are the other resources? I found one on Skype but cannot seem to get anyone to let me in. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Dave,

I have sent a private message re. Skype.

As for other resources the one that is definitely worth a look is Clarion Live, there are many webinars there to feast on :slight_smile:



Hi Dave,

A couple more resources…

ClarionMag is no more, but all the articles and downloads are available freely now on

Almost all are still relevant and go up to Clarion 10.

Greatest resource IMHO are the Clarion newsgroups hosted on and assuming you have your old Clarion 6 serial number you can use that for both the Authentication - Login and Password fields.
Lots of opinions about the best newsgroup reader to use to access the groups but personally I use MesNews as it’s search features are good and it posts to the correct point on the threads.

and it’s free :slight_smile:


MesNews is my favourite as well.

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That is just plain awesome!

Thank you!

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