New (almost from scratch) browse control


Should be there… Or is it?


Maybe I misunderstood…

The REPO with Neutrino Search contains the code to actually modify the look and feel of the apps at runtime.

The REPO with GDI Browse contains the example for creating a very different browse, it is incomplete but sets the foundation and you can easily manipulate the example. contains some API calls. And some other calls are right there in the APP.


The best way to be sure your Repo is buildable is for you to download the Zip from GitHub and in a new Test folder unzip it. See if it will build. If that works look in your OBJ folder at the xxx.FileList.XML to see where the files are coming from. Be sure they all come from the unzip Test folder not your LibSrc unless they are supposed to like ABC files.

I do not see this file from GDI_Browse.clw in any repo INCLUDE(''),ONCE

note it is wrapped in underscored that in the markdown used by this site show as italics unless it is marked as code.

Good day:

I am aware of that.

Trust me…


BTW it’s better to clone git repos than to use the .zip kludge. Especially since it’s easy to forget to add the . gitattributes that makes the .zip use non unix line endings - which of course is required for clarion