ODBC Oddities w/ v13505

Wondering if anyone else has experienced odd list box bevaviour/results w/ ODBC in v13505?

I quickly noticed problems with PostgreSQL tables having an array field, but I assumed use of an array was not that common. Now I am seeing similarly odd behaviour when loading a simple memory table – table loads first time, but on a second load, only 1 record retrieved.

I have entered a PTSS for the array problem, but it would be nice to know if the problem is more general.

How is ODBC related to a memory table?

Memory table is identical to a PostgreSQL view. Ten records loaded during Init of a procedure (at least loaded the first time). Subsequent calls to form result in a single record. This behaviour is the same as when an array is involved.

Same app compiled with v13401 does not have the problem. Debug in v13505 shows that loading the memory table stops with an errorcode 33 after the first record. Passed Sql has been verified to be correct and same as test with PgAdmin.