Off Screen - Maybe

I have a customer install on a new Win 11 machine. When run, program loads and then screen goes blank. Could it program is running but off screen.
Don Harvey

Define “screen goes blank” please.

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If it really is an off screen window, there are several techniques for fixing that. Ask chatGPT “how to make an off screen window visible in Windows 10?”

Additionally the IceTips window fixer template works great for that. Window Fixer for Clarion

It might also be that you are hiding the window. An accidental 0{prop:hide}=true on the frame would do it.

Do you see the application on the Taskbar?

The program might have closed.
Do you see the program in the tasklist?

If the program did shutdown (i.e. EXE does not show in the task list) check the Windows Event Viewer to find the reason.

Thanks everyone. Checking with customer for current status. Never seen this before.

If that is the case then perhaps the app’s window location has been saved between sessions (perhaps in your AppName.INI file). You could try deleting/renaming this file, so that the window is then created in its default location.

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