Opinion poll, what is your desired Database and Alternate Programming Language

Brain fart.

Suppose you could switch Clarion to the “desire database” of your desires and the “desire language” of your desires. Which database and which programming language would you prefer?

i.E.: For me Firebird and C++

Take a database, factors like the language it was written in and how its been ported to other cpu’s and OS’es will count on its performance as I suspect will some of the sorting, searching algos it uses.

Some languages are nicer than others, I dont like what I see as superfluous the curly braces in C or C++, I hate the language, reminds me of school, didnt like pascal either for same reasons, I’d rather program in assembler to avoid it.

I like the clarion language, its just a shame its not been ported to other platforms.

Completely agree with you and I was also trained in assembler - but that doesn’t save the situation… I don’t hate Pascal, nor C(++,#) - I hate Java

And I like the Clarion language too, since about over 30 years…

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But do you think, we ever see 64bit? I need this urgently within the next 3 month

Because our sales sold a 64bit update with W11 etc. to a main customer. I’m screwed

That’s the reason why, I want to port the application to Wx, I can’t think of anything better at the moment - but it’s very, very laborious to port the DCT and the data to Wx

Depends what your sales sold, Im not getting caught up in impossible deadlines again.

Great that someone said that… I also hate Java and C#, it’s such an ugly language… every time I start Visual Studio, my hdd is bigger by 5 GB because VS updates different things… and deploying a Java application. .I tried once but I gave up and deleted everything. I just don’t understand why people do things like that.
I will use Clarion forever but using it just on server side, where my app create or use ready html and using Javascript, I communicate back with server etc.

Herd mentality is more powerful than you think.

Just look at the significance of today, Dec 25th!

Need I say any more?

I think the C6 IDE is peak IDE for Clarion in its current form, but it could be upgraded to support todays hardware and platforms.

I openly admit I thought MS knew what they were doing when looking at Visual Studio and using the control format in C7-C11, but they dont when I tried to use the new controls, but some of that might be on SV’s part.

Certainly the C6 popup window and tab controls grouping a (screen|report) controls properties is nice and fast compared to the visual studio property pane.

Its funny, the recent revisit into assembler to get dynamic DLL loading, on other threads, makes me wonder how hard and time consuming would it be to edit the PE and convert all the 16bit registers and addresses into a 32bit format?*

One of the programs Im trying to get out the door, shows the C6 appgen window formatter is on one thread, but the embed editor window, which can be called from the appgen or the window formatter is on its own other thread.


Ive looked!
There doesnt seem to be a 16bit to 32bit Portable Executable (PE) parser/convertor anywhere online!

This is something missing from the internet or Google, Bing and other search engines are doing a fantastic job at censoring it!

This the closest I can find…

Maybe a 32bit to 64bit PE parser/convertor exists? Havent looked!


I guess some Govts are prepared to turn a blind eye to the worst monopolistic anti capitalism market practices, in order to hold back the human race en-masse in a very controlled and proscribed manner…

No wonder nothing goes viral anymore like the old days…

I cant even leave a keyword thats not been used in years, in an unsent draft email in the GMX email app running on my samsung android phone, before it starts infecting my no-account setup jvc youtube tv, that shares the same protonmail vpn!

Their Ai algo’s are so transparent, if you know how to see!


Ho Ho Ho! Merry Xmas P… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Main PROCEDURE ! Declare Procedure


IgnoreXmas PROCEDURE ! Declare Procedure

! Xmas ??

Corrected for you, but you already know that…

Don’t get me wrong. I’m OK. My concern is how best to port around 40 Clarion applications to Wx (I don’t have a better idea). We are 3 developers and 2 only work with Wx and I am the interface between Clarion and Wx. And it’s tiring…

I love the Clarion language.

Database… mmm… probably Firebird.

Would absolutely love a Clarion 64bit compiler but that’s not an urgent situation.

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THX Z for making the DDK Open-Source - September 28, 2023

For me it’s also not urgent, but for our sales it’s a selling point…

Your Sales people cannot use it as a selling point if you don’t have the product!!

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Don’t tell me that. Explain this to sales…

Explain to me the benefit that your customers see in having a 64bit app?

Do they have any idea which of the apps they use are 32bit and which are 64bit?