Output DCT Comments - template?

As you might know, you can add a Comments to the Dictionary:

and after that, if you Export DCT as text you can find it as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dictionary Name="Invoice" Version="1" DctxFormat="4">
	<DictionaryVersion Version="1" Description="Initial version"/>
		<Line Text="Comment 1 - line 1"/>
		<Line Text="Comment 1 - line 2"/>
		<Audit CreateUser="Administrator" CreateDate=" 1 JUL 2022" CreateTime="11:21:35AM" CreateVersionNumber="1" ModifiedUser="Administrator" ModifiedDate=" 1 JUL 2022" ModifiedTime="11:21:35AM" ModifiedVersionNumber="1"/>
		<Line Text="Comment 2 - line 1"/>
		<Line Text="Comment 3 - line 2"/>
		<Audit CreateUser="Administrator" CreateDate=" 1 JUL 2022" CreateTime="11:21:35AM" CreateVersionNumber="1" ModifiedUser="Administrator" ModifiedDate=" 1 JUL 2022" ModifiedTime="11:21:35AM" ModifiedVersionNumber="1"/>
		<Line Text="Comment 3 - line 1"/>
		<Line Text="Comment 3 - line 2"/>
		<Audit CreateUser="Administrator" CreateDate=" 1 JUL 2022" CreateTime="11:21:35AM" CreateVersionNumber="1" ModifiedUser="Administrator" ModifiedDate=" 1 JUL 2022" ModifiedTime="11:21:35AM" ModifiedVersionNumber="1"/>

So my question is: how can I do the same but using Clarion Template? What are Built-in Template Symbols for this? I found a few %DictionaryXXX symbols but not what I need…

I suspect you are out of luck. My guess is that when the application reads the dictionary it ignores all the Comments. The comments that you show above are at the dictionary level, but you can put a comment on at any level, and if the dictionary read did read the comments from the dictionary they would, following the normal convention, be called:
%RelationComment and so on.

But there is no mention of them in the lists of symbols in the help, and I suspect that is because the dictionary read just doesn’t create those symbols. Same with the Audit information. I guess they figured that info would never be used in APP generation, so why bother with it.

It is of course possible to read the XML TXD file and then you can print whatever you like.

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