Failing to find help from SoftVelocity, I will ask here:.
Having recently purchased the SV PDF Report Output Generator and added that functionality to several reports, I find that in one app, even though the templates generate, there is no PDF option on the report when built. That app happens to use the legacy templates.
Is the Report Generator incompatible with legacy templates?
Thanks for responding.
My own class works in the app, and SV’s Store site makes absolutely no mention of template chain compatibility. It would be nice to know for sure. If there is incompatibility, I do not have to be concerned about searching for some other cause.
I don’t think it was compatible initially, but I think it is now in Clarion 11.
Copilot says it is. It gives a few things to make sure it works with a legacy template app: Global Extension: Make sure to include the PDF support extension template in the global area of your application. (Global Properties, Classes tab, enable use of ABC classes checkbox).
I use the wPDFControl template from Klarisoft in my legacy apps. It works great.
Bob C