I am getting an error trying to insert a Binary Blob CW 11 / PostgreSQL ODBC - Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
Driver Trace shows it is trying to do the insert
INSERT INTO aa_.ticksignature_ (guid_,ticket_no_,typeof_,signame_,sigdate_,sigtime_,edittech_,editdate_,edittime_,sigimage_) An error was experienced during the update of record. Error: 01080E4D 0BF9F008 0001:0007FE4D C:\Ragazzi\Clients\Cornerstone\AFW.v41A\ClaRUN.dll 00F6821D 0BF9F0A8 0001:0000721D C:\Ragazzi\Clients\Cornerstone.
In CW DCT defined as
SigImage BLOB,BINARY,NAME('sigimage_ | JsonName(sigimage)')
Here is the SQL definition
CREATE TABLE ticksignature_ ( guid_ CHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT REPLACE( gen_random_uuid()::text, '-', '' ), ticket_no_ INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , typeof_ CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', signame_ VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', sigdate_ INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , sigtime_ INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , edittech_ CHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', editdate_ INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , edittime_ INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , sigimage_ BYTEA NOT NULL DEFAULT '', --- BLOB,BINARY row_created_on_ TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp , row_created_by_ CHAR(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT UPPER(current_user ), row_modified_on_ TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp , row_modified_by_ CHAR(31) NOT NULL DEFAULT UPPER(current_user ), CONSTRAINT sig_key_guid_ PRIMARY KEY (guid_) );