PostgreSQL Infinity Date

Curious if anyone has experience in Clarion handling PostgreSQL dates that may have Infinity values?
My initial test seems to indicate that an Infinity date value is returned as TODAY. Not at all what I was expecting.


I didn’t even know there was such a thing! So I, umm, < embarrassed cough > Looking in the manual.

It says that for input:
infinity date, timestamp later than all other time stamps

Which I gather would be the day after the last date you have. Sort of like max(datefield)+1
Which is not what I would initially have thought either. I’ll have to do some testing.

I think I was wrong. A SELECT gets ‘infinity’ back for the date, which I really don’t know how Clarion would handle.

To clarify, the date returned in Clarion seems to be TODAY(). This was a real surprise.

I am not sure this has a bearing or not but occasionally I have noticed dates giving trouble when leaving everything to the Clarion internal data type conversion from the source into the Clarion LONG from an SQL date/time data type. Since TODAY() is a LONG is it worth looking into data types?

At a LONG ago DevCon, Scott F. recommended always using Clarion DATE & TIME instead of LONGs if the developer was using or ever intended to use an SQL backend. I have followed that advice ever since, but never had the opportunity to ask Scott about differences in how Clarion handled the type conversion.

In regard to PostgreSQL, I should clarify that a Clarion DATE field displays the current date (today) for any PG infinity value.