Pre loved software

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m almost retired now.
That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped working with Clarion, but today I focus on projects related to volunteer work.
Currently, I’m working on membership management for a pensioners’ association.
This means that the budget for software has become significantly smaller.

So, I’m looking for anyone who has spare licenses for the following Capesoft products:

Nettalk 14 server (a version 12/13 would also work!)
Draw 4
Insight Graphing 2
I have licenses for upgrades, so I imagine the price should be around half the cost of an upgrade.
I’ve checked with Bruce from Capesoft, and I am indeed allowed to buy licenses.

contact me on [email protected]

Med venlig hilsen/Best Regards/Mit Freundlichen Grüßen/ Kveðja/ Distinti saluti/ Met beste groete

Edvard Korsbæk