Problem with Windows 2016

On a newly spun-up Windows 2016 RDP server, when we try to connect to our Data Base erver, we are getting

SQL state 01000
SQL Server error 5
Connection failed

SQL state 08001
SQL Server error 17

Has anyone seen this before? Any suggestions on how to connect?

Sorry I didn’t include this but the connection string has been tested on other servers.

If the connection string worked on other servers it may be worth checking that the database settings on the new server do allow you access. I had a similar problem where the new database access settings had not included my application’s user and password. Obviously this all depends on how the server and databases access protocols have been decided locally but it’s worth a check. At least with that out the way you know to look for another reason.
Hope that helps.

While I do not control the settings, that was one of the first things we looked it.

Never done anything with SQL, but windows error 5 is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
Maybe check user ID & password configuration?

Thanks, Paul. I may not have mentioned it earlier but this is a MSSQL database.We confirmed that the Windows ID used to log in to the RDP server, is valid, along with the connection string id.

Jim, is the SQL Native client installed on this server?

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I did not do the install, so how would I check?

Easiest way: Press on Start button and type in ODBC.

Pick the ODBC 32 option.

Then go to the Drivers tab and scroll to the bottom. You want to see a SQL Native client driver.


I will have to check with the person who built the server, but is is saying Windows cannot find ODBC.

I poked around some more made sure the 32-bit driver was selected and now shows up in the System DSN List. I will contact my other support people tomorrow.

On a different topic, can you send me an email to This way I have your address and I can reply to it.
