Problems with Noyantis/Codejock


Since today I am again owner of two Noyantis wrappers: ReportControl and DockingPane. More than 10 yrs ago I purchased the whole suite but couldn‘t get it to run properly.

Well, same problem now. CodeJock delivers their OCX‘s with version 20.3.0, while Noyantis only knows the OCX‘s up to 20.2.0.

I hate it when new software doesn‘t work properly, especially when advertised how easy it is to use. I cannot even register the OCX‘s and I didn‘t start to test the wrappers on my applications. Somehow disappointing.

Curious, when Noyantis will provide an updated version. Is there a workaround for the mean time?


I had the suite a long time ago and experienced this problem.
From memory I think it was a case of searching the templates for the version number and modifying the template, so backup before making any changes, but dont quote, it was over a decade ago since I used them and I dont know what changes Andy’s done his templates since.

Hi Volker,

It seems this is a case of really bad timing…

I’m currently on holiday / vacation for a few days and Codejock have just released a new version (3 days ago). As a workaround and to help you get started I’ve just sent you the v20.2.0 dll files via email

I will add support for v20.3.0 upon my return next week.

Also - We hold a weekly webinar every Monday 4pm (UK time) - except for Monday 18th April which is a public holiday. We also attend / help host the Wednesday open webinar too - so there’s always lots of help available to ensure you make the most of your investment.

I hope this helps,



Hi Richard,

Although you can of course modify the templates to add the v20.3.0 option (like the old days), however, they would not support RegFree COM, so I would recommend waiting for the next update, which will only be a few days.



Hi Andy,

I will try that - assuming that I can use the same registration number for the ocx’s.
But of couirse I can wait a few days. :slight_smile:

Wishing you a happy Easter holiday


Hi RichClaCode,

In the past I tried something like that a lot of times and it worked in two or three cases.

Thank you!


Hi Andy

Yeah I saw that COM is in Clarion now, at least some suggestions its there.

Registration-Free COM Interop - .NET Framework | Microsoft Docs

Best Regards,
