Recursive INCLUDE of file or section CCSLOCAT.INC


I am working on a data.dll and suddenly getting the error “Recursive INCLUDE of file or section” with the file CCSLOCAT.INC and path “c:\clarion11.1\Accessory\libsrc\win” when I compile the app.

This is an IceTips Include file, but I am not even using any IceTips template in my app file at the moment.

I even recreated the whole data app, after I deleted the clw, inc, obj, lib, exp, and map files to ensure there were no IceTips leftovers.

But once I started the compile, the error was there immediately, any ideas?

Using Clarion 11.1.13845



Some more info, it seems like the issue is only applicable to dll apps, exe app compiles fine.

I have uninstalled IceTip templates for now, which solved the issue, but I will have to resolve this as I need those templates. I did send an email to Arnor as well.

Was hoping someone had some ideas to resolve this in the meantime.

Hi @Nardus_Swanevelder, good to see you here.

As this is your data application, all ABC classes, those that start with !ABCIncludeFile are compiled into your application.

Try adding a ,ONCE on any of the INCLUDE(‘CCSLOCAT.INC’) statements you find without one.



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Thanks Mark, I will try that soon.

I have been away from Clarion for over 4 years and now getting back into it for a product of mine that needs to integrate with Sage X3.

Happy Thanksgiving to you!