I am using Clarion version 11.1.13855. After switching to a faster PC, the Clarion IDE crashes very frequently after making changes via the [Embeds]-Button.
The crashes have become much less frequent since I switched off the Windows core isolation ->Memory Integrity OFF
While it’s great that disabling Windows Core Isolation and Memory Integrity has helped you reduce IDE crashes, it’s important to understand the potential risks before turning off this feature.
Windows Core Isolation with Memory Integrity is a security measure that uses virtualization-based security to protect your system from attacks. Specifically, Memory Integrity checks and prevents untrusted code from running in sensitive areas of your system’s memory, helping to block malicious software from accessing critical parts of Windows.
Disabling this feature reduces your system’s defenses against these types of attacks, making it easier for malicious software to compromise your computer. Although this might help with the Clarion IDE crashes, it’s crucial to weigh the security risks against the benefit of improved stability.
I felt it was important to explain why, despite being potentially useful, this workaround should be considered carefully.
thanks for the tip. Of course, I read through what I was switching off beforehand, but unfortunately, with my new 24-core PC, I actually crashed almost all the time. Of course, the work is then not saved and has to be done twice (when I forgot to press Ctrl-A Ctrl-C again in my eagerness to work).
I would just like to point out to all Clarion developers with this problem that it is possible to have a more stable Clarion IDE by switching off the wonderful core isolation.
I am glad that I came across it and can now work ‘normally’ again.
I know that the Embeditor has no or hardly any crash problems. But finding the right place in a program with the Embeditor always takes a long time with larger programme parts with many embed points.
I haven’t read anywhere that Core Isolation is to blame for the crashes in Clarion and I’m glad to have found that out.
I prefer to switch off Core Isolation and can work effectively and quickly as usual without constantly crashing instead of using a mediocre workaround for all time.
Knowing the name of the method to embed into, and using ctrl-f makes the embeditor faster than the embed tree.
There are are really only a handful of methods to remember - and most embeds go into INIT, TAKEEVENT and KILL.
Apart from the stability (i pretty much never get an IDE crash) the primary benefit is that you see the rest of the code, and that will have bigger benefits as well.
The key to embedding is the right code in the right place. Seeing the context of your code helps ensure you are in the right place. Seeing all the other code, just being exposed to it, makes you more familiar with reading code, which is an essential skill for progressing as a programer.
I use the embed tree to find where to go, I find the navigation there easier to cope with, then click the ‘Source’ button to get into the embeditor. Sort of the best of both worlds.
I also have few problems with IDE stability.
I have also found previously that the clarionProperties.xml file can be the cause of crashes. I have a stable copy saved and if the IDE starts to crash a lot I replace it. Sudden stability again.
The file in …appdata\roaming\softvelocity\clarion\11.0\clarionProperties.xml also has about 1000 lines, all good
But I have no idea what distinguishes one stable version from another, or how the IDE crashes for you.
I am glad that my Core Isolation shutdown works very well for me and that I can continue to work with Clarion without crashes, as I have been used to for decades.
I didn’t have any problems on the previous PC, but I did on the new PC with CPU i9-13900HX, and that helped me. I would be delighted if this realisation helped others too.
If you have a backup from the old PC that worked fine. Try using the ClarionProperties.xml from that and see if it makes a difference. It was something like that that made me discover that the file could cause problems.
I was in dilemma should I mention anything but well, here it is: crashes described are extremely similar to mine when my CPU started causing problems due to a known Intel issues. So if CPU is 13 or 14 gen, well one more thing to consider.
There are issues with Intel 13th and 14th gen chips. See news here
The motherboard manufacturers have started rolling out the microcode fix, and I would suggest anyone with 13th and 14th generation chips check for updates and patch as soon as you can.
Some YouTube content should you need to delve deep:
Good afternoon, mine is doing the same thing.
After editing an embed it crashes.
I thought about reinstalling everything but I’m seeing that it’s a Clarion bug.
My computer is not an Intel.
AMD Ryzen 3 3200G Processor with Radeon Vega Graphics 3.60 GHz
16.0 GB of RAM installed (usable: 13.9 GB)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Windows 11 Pro Edition
Version 23H2
Installed on 01/04/2024
OS Build 22631.4037
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1027.0
It frequently crashes when saving an embed edit.