If you want to do this retrospectively, export the window procedures in question to a TXA and edit the TXA (search and replace) and then reimport the editted TXA.
If you want to use a New Procedure > [Proc Name]> Template Tab > select template type and thus window, then the suggest @PurpleEdge2214 mentions using \LibSrc\Defaults.clw should work.
If you use the template wizards to build a browse or form window, then whilst there are a couple of template vars declared
So you could experiment by adding Sets below the #Declare in abwizard.tpl but…
Looking in other templates, these vars seem to be controlled by the width of the browse and sheet/tab controls, so you might not have much luck.
Another possibility is to edit the template ABWindow.tpw and search for
#PROMPT('Restrict Minimum Window Size',CHECK),%RestrictMinSize,DEFAULT(%False),AT(5)
#BOXED('Minimum Window Size')
#PROMPT('Minimum Width:',@n5),%WindowMinWidth
#PROMPT('Minimum Height:',@n5),%WindowMinHeight
and change it to
#PROMPT('Restrict Minimum Window Size',CHECK),%RestrictMinSize,DEFAULT(%True),AT(5)
#BOXED('Minimum Window Size')
#PROMPT('Minimum Width:',@n5),%WindowMinWidth,Default(400)
#PROMPT('Minimum Height:',@n5),%WindowMinHeight,Default(640)
This would change the Window Resize template to default to Yes to restrict the min window size and the default size would/should kick in as specified in the Default() code additions or whatever you want it to be.
This assumes you would want to resize the window and enforce a min size.
Another possibility you might want to experiment with in ABWindow.tpw is to add some template code to fix the size.
Search for
#MESSAGE('Standard Window Generation',3)
#EMBED(%DataSectionBeforeWindow,'Data Section, Before Window Declaration'),DATA,LEGACY
#SET(%NewWindowStatement, %WindowStatement)
#IF(SUB(%WindowStatement,1,11) <> 'APPLICATION')
Look at the code there, and add some template code to search for the size and fix the size to what you want it to be.
ABWizard.tpl also a section where it “imports” a procedure as if it was a TXA.
Search for
and the section
where you’ll see multiple instances for different types of windows.
The only other thing you could search for in the templates is
and see what it says about these in the template code help.
I havent been through the shipping templates in any great details so only scanned through them briefly tonight for your particular requirement but I do edit the shipping templates myself to customise them to my requirements.