Skype - Formatting Messages then expand Useful things you can do in an IM conversation

(Edit: August 2021) Skype now has a " Richtext editor " button , pressing it will add formatting tools above the spot where you type a message so you no longer have to remember the markdown

The Richtext editor button looks like an " A with a pencil " to me

When the RichText editor controls are visible the icon to show them changes to a ā€˜Vā€™
pressing the ā€˜Vā€™ button hides the rich text editor controls

use special text formatting

You can use basic text markup in chats to use special formatting:

ā€¢ bold - Surround text with asterisks ( * )
ā€¢ italics - Surround text with underscores ( _ )
ā€¢ strikethrough - Surround text with tildes ( ~ )

To get a Monospaced font that ignores the special symbols above - great for source code

ā€¢ Surrounding the text with {code} or ``` will change the text to monospace font

  {code} MyProc PROCEDURE(*LONG FirstArg, *LONG SecondArg) {code}
  ```5 * 4 * 3 * 2```

ā€¢ Placing two exclamation points AND A SPACE (!! ) at the beginning of a message will send the entire message in monospace font

  !! MyProc PROCEDURE(*LONG FirstArg, *LONG SecondArg) 

ā€¢ Placing two at symbols AND A SPACE (@@ ) at the beginning of a message will prevent or override special formatting

 @@ MyProc PROCEDURE(*LONG FirstArg, *LONG SecondArg)