Softvelocity Website down

The Softvelocity sites are down and the domain is listed as available by Godaddy. Does anyone know what is happening?

Clarion - Deliver your software on time, every time ( works.

WhoIs shows got renewed changed today 18:15z about 30 minutes ago.

Maybe changed DNS and it took some time to finish. GoDaddy saw the DNS not working to point to a real website and called it “Parked”.

The “store” link on the page Mike posted also bombs.

WhoIs lookup says that the domain registration for softvelocity dot com was updated 2022-07-14 14:47:34 UTC.

??Maybe they’re switching to a new host or new name servers ??

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I think modified, not renewed, Carl.

The registry expiration is listed as 2023-04-30 13:33:23 UTC. Typically a renewal would be for at least a year hence.

The newsgroup server,, is, perhaps unsurprisingly, also incommunicado.

I don’t use the Newsgroups, so the fact that SoftVelocity is down doesn’t really affect me.
But has anyone who is affected tried CALLING SV to make certain they know there is a problem?

Everything related to is down.


Could it be they just let it expire by accident?

Hi Abdullah - It is not expired. Just changed.

OK, just curious. In this internet-connected age you could try asking what’s going on via their twitter or FB page, but I suspect we already know how that’ll end up :slight_smile:

I tried calling them and everything just goes to voicemail.

What does “just changed” mean?

What does “just changed” mean?

It means some sort of change took place yesterday.

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There are reports on Skype that it’s back up for some people (but not me)
Which makes me think it’s some sort of DNS propagation issue



A reminder:

Thou Shalt Not Have Thy Registration Records and DNS Pointers Controlled By Thy Hosting Company.

Just Say No.

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It’s working again - here at least

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