I would like to add sort header in the browses of a legacy application. Is this possible? On first sight I think not as I don’t see the option “Enable sort header”.
The option “Enable use of ABC classes” is switched on. Maybe I need to do more to get it working, if so, what ?
Or are there alternatives. I remember there was a class in the C6 days, but I cannot remember what it was.
Have you tried wizarding up a browse proc with a file and see if you get the option to use an abc browse which would then give you access to the sort headers? Save the app first to make sure the global option is saved before trying to wizard up an abc browse proc.
I’m trying to imagine quite how you’d implement this, in other words do you have a browse class list box or trap the list box header events in the legacy list box and pipe them to the sort header methods. Id have to go over the classes again.
Thank you I was almost giving up. I tested on the demo and another Clarion application and they both worked well. The fact that your demo is working on SQLlite makes me confident that it will work on MS SQL as well. It surprises me how few lines of code are needed to make this work, great.
The only problem might be that it might not work with Capesoft Runscreen. Well actually it does, but the header names get mixed up. I will study the template code a bit more and maybe I can make some modifications but that is also up to my contractor if he considers it important.