SQL cursor scrolling options

is it possible to change the scroll option with which Clarion prepares the cursor for loading data in ABC Browse?
If I see correctly, the default options used are: AUTO_CLOSE + FORWARD_ONLY + PARAMETRIZED_STMT. For performance reasons I would need to add STATIC option here.

I’m afraid it can’t be controlled from Clarion, but maybe I’m missing something?

Have a nice weekend!



This would be related

For static cursor it would be:
Customer{PROP:StmtAttr,6} = 3

But it seems either it doesn’t work or Clarion redefines again its own parameters previous to the queries.

One thing that does work is a technique to not use cursors, if it worth to you, here there is information about the source where it was discussed

Well that conclusion seemed by looking on the trace generated by Clarion

03B20H(1) 16:33:25.506 Setting Concurrency to Row Version for Statement 0BBBC50H Time Taken:0.00 secs
03B20H(1) 16:33:25.506 Setting Cursor Type to Forward Only for Statement 0BBBC50H Time Taken:0.00 secs
03B20H(1) 16:33:25.506 Setting Concurrency to Row Version for Statement 0BBBC50H Time Taken:0.00 secs
03B20H(1) 16:33:25.506 Setting Cursor Type to Forward Only for Statement 0BBBC50H Time Taken:0.00 secs
03B20H(1) 16:33:25.506 Setting Cursor Type to Forward Only for Statement 0BBBC50H Time Taken:0.00 secs

More repetitions of forward only, but it may be working, on MS Profiler it shows this line after sp_cursorprepexec and before sp_cursorfetch

exec sp_cursoroption 180150015,1,3

Please try and comments on your findings.

That seems related to a blob in that table and not about the cursor type

Hi Federico,

thank you for your help, unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work. It seems Clarion sends to sp_cursorprepexec the same parameters for the cursor all the time, regardless of the values set by PROP:StmtAttr.
