SQLite 3.35 now has Math functions, Column Removal, RETURNING clause & CTE's (Common Table Expression)

SQLite Release 3.35.0 On 2021-03-12

SQLite Download Page
x32 500MB
x64 850MB

About SQLite
#### Executive Summary

* [Full-featured SQL](https://sqlite.org/fullsql.html)
* [Billions and billions of deployments](https://sqlite.org/mostdeployed.html)
* [Single-file database](https://sqlite.org/onefile.html)
* [Public domain source code](https://sqlite.org/copyright.html)
* All source code in one file ([sqlite3.c](https://sqlite.org/amalgamation.html))
* [Small footprint](https://sqlite.org/footprint.html)
* Max DB size: [281 terabytes](https://sqlite.org/limits.html) (2<small>48</small> bytes)
* Max row size: [1 gigabyte](https://sqlite.org/limits.html)
* [Faster than direct file I/O](https://sqlite.org/fasterthanfs.html)
* [Aviation-grade quality and testing](https://sqlite.org/testing.html)
* [Zero-configuration](https://sqlite.org/zeroconf.html)
* [ACID transactions, even after power loss](https://sqlite.org/transactional.html)
* [Stable, enduring file format](https://sqlite.org/fileformat.html)
* [Extensive, detailed documentation](https://sqlite.org/doclist.html)
* [Long-term support](https://sqlite.org/lts.html)

I was surprised to learn its now got the Maths library. Download seems large, I hope a deployed db is alot smaller.

This blog post explains the latest features in a nice way.
What’s new in SQLite 3.35 | Anton Zhiyanov (nalgeon.github.io)