I am creating a Template with a #Prompt:
#Prompt(‘Table:’,From(%file)),%thistfile that choses a single file.
A second #Prompt:
#Prompt(‘Select Fields’,From(%field)),%fieldList,Selection(‘Field Selection’) does not populate the selection list. How do I make %field dependent upon %thisfile?
If I skip this I can list ALL fields with:
#For(%file),WHERE(%file = %thisfile)
You will need to create a %multi-fieldlist structure and will have to do the #FOR as you are doing above and add the fields to this %multi-fieldlist.You can put these in a BUTTON to see them, and then you can select the field from the list into whatever you are going to use them.
There are a number of examples in the standard clarion templates that do this. And a bunch of vendors, and/or free templates written by a number of authors do this. Just search with KSS the standard template space and you will find something you can modify.
Good luck.
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Thanks, Roberto; I appreciate your help and the quick reply. I’ll see what I can do with that.
This post may help