Trigonometric functions are very slow

Are you about trigonometric functions in FPU or about implementation of them using SSE2 instructions?

Perhaps both. I don’t know. My assembler skills are only for the S/370 architecture, rather than the x86 architecture:)

The “fast” (without checking input parameter and processor flags after execution) FPU variant was here: Trigonometric functions are very slow - #16 by also
The SSE2 implementation is quite long. The beginning for sin() looks as follows:

Hi Mark,
GPUs would do these calcs in a time near zero, because of the high degree of paralellism they have. I’m reading they can calculate a sine in one cycle!
But to to reach the better performance, one would need to build a program with full algorithm (loop x, y’s) and load it with the datasets on the GPU, then run it. It wouldn’t worth to have a GPU program that just receives a number, calculate its sine and returns the result to your Clarion program running the LOOPs on CPU.

The MsVCRT.DLL has some functions to calculate sine and cosine. It is a Windows internal dll. VC runtimes MSVCR###.DLL also has a couple of them.

Here it can be seen those functions:

sin/cos are functions you could call directly with Clarion with the prototype: CSIN(REAL),REAL,C,NAME(‘sin’)

_CIsin/_CIcos are similar but expects the parameter already on st(0) register, it would be something like CCISIN(),REAL,C,NAME(‘_CIsin’) but previous to the CALL the angle parameter has to be on st(0) and it doesn’t happen that way in usual Clarion code, so it would need a wrapper function to accomodate the parameter.

The previous four functions works different depending on the state defined by the function _set_sse2_enable (0 or 1).

The other four functions

works only with SSE2 and instead of st(0) looks for the parameter on SSE2 register xmm0 and return the value there too, so would need a wrapper to call it from Clarion and Topspeed Assembler doesn’t seem to recognize those instructions and registers, but it can be done with their bytecodes.

I found no difference on the accuracy of the eight functions in Mike’s example.

Here there is the previous test project shared but updated with Alexey’s one instruction fsin/fcos neat code and in his assembly module I added the wrappers for the other functions.

Here it can be seen a speed comparison:
trigtest10 (3,2 KB)

“What’s your sine”? is actually a good question nowadays. :slight_smile: