Ultimate Debug - Where to get Latest Version?

Where can I find the latest version of Ultimate Debug? I tried ClarionLive.com, and the template looks like it’s from 2019. I thought there were revisions as recent as this year. I have never used this toolkit before, but it looks very promising based on the webinars I have watched.


John Hickey mentioned that he is working on new versions of the Ultimate templates and will discuss them in an upcoming Clarion Live Connect meeting on Wednesdays.

Join the meeting and ask your question there.



We’ve been working on the new version during some of the ClarionLive webinars and a new version of the Viewer will be released before Christmas.




Looking forward to it. I am just getting familiar with Ultimate Debug and hope to stop in to the Wednesday webinar to ask some questions to see if I’m on the right path to debug my code issues!

As a follow-up to the Wednesday webinar, it was mentioned to add the PID to what process has the open procedure at the bottom of the log viewer. It was also mentioned whether there could be a way to log messages without the viewer being open. Thanks for your time in the webinar.


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