Hi all, one of our installs has suddenly been getting Assertion Failed error messages advising the system is unable to commit transaction.
They have about 20 users and the build of the system they are using they would have had for at least 6 months with no issues. The system is still in C8, uses TPS and was compiled in debug mode (not sure if that makes a difference).
Below is the error message they get and also the relevant line of the ABFILE.clw.
User access rights have not changed and server size seems OK.
Any pointers as I honestly don’t know where to start.
Many thanks
From the ABFILE.clw
RelationManager.Update PROCEDURE(BYTE FromForm) RetVal BYTE(Level:Benign) I LONG,AUTO CODE RetVal = SELF.ForceOpen() DO CheckError IF SELF.UseLogout RetVal = SELF.LogoutUpdate() DO CheckError LOGOUT(SELF.LogoutTimeout) IF ERRORCODE() SELF.Me.Throw(Msg:LogoutFailed) RetVal = Level:Notify DO CheckError END END RetVal = SELF.Me.TryUpdate() IF RetVal IF SELF.UseLogout ROLLBACK END IF FromForm AND SELF.Me.LastError = Msg:ConcurrencyFailed SELF.Me.LastError = Msg:ConcurrencyFailedFromForm END IF RetVal = Level:Notify SELF.Me.Throw END IF SELF.Me.LastError = Msg:ConcurrencyFailed OR SELF.Me.LastError = Msg:ConcurrencyFailedFromForm RetVal = Level:Notify ELSE RetVal = Level:User END DO CheckError END SELF.DeferedRelations() LOOP I = 1 TO RECORDS(SELF.Relations) GET(SELF.Relations,I) IF LocalAction(SELF.Relations.UpdateMode) AND NOT SELF.Relations.Fields.EqualLeftBuffer() RetVal = SELF.Relations.File.UpdateSecondary(SELF.Relations.HisKey,SELF.Relations.Fields,SELF.Relations.UpdateMode) IF RetVal SELF.Relations.Fields.AssignRightToLeft DO CheckError END END END IF SELF.UseLogout COMMIT **? ASSERT(~ERRORCODE(),'Unable to commit transaction')** END SELF.Close RETURN RetVal