Unable To Log Transaction (48) error with Trace and MARS enabled

Hi Everyone,

I have achieved an error related to Clarion(11) Trace, while trying to delete record after inserting it:

Transaction Cancelled.
Error: (Unable To Log Transaction (48) attempting to frame the transaction on table).

I think that it’s an effect of using MARS while connecting to MSSQL (2019).

In Trace options i have enabled only “Trace calls to back end”.
After disabling trace, an error does not occur, everyting work fine.

In trace I get following actions, exactly when I am trying to remove record:
Setting Transaction Isolation to Serializable on Connection
Setting Auto Commit OFF for Connection
Error Occurred: 37000 [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve it? I really need trace to work, because It’s my main source for error recognition when something crashes.