Hello Guys,
I am just wondering for a UX desktop app designed and created with clarion, I know it’s possible but I just want to see such thing. If it’s okay to ask here for at least some images of it to get some ideas.
Thank you.
Hello Guys,
I am just wondering for a UX desktop app designed and created with clarion, I know it’s possible but I just want to see such thing. If it’s okay to ask here for at least some images of it to get some ideas.
Thank you.
Hi Christian,
I’m not sure I understand your question. Are you asking for some screenshots of Clarion programs? You’re looking for ideas on what to make your program look like?
It would probably help a bit if you give us some idea of what sort of program you are wanting to make? Business app? Game? Multi-User? lots of tables?
And what are you looking for? Good icons? the best font to use? Grey or White backgrounds?
I also don’t understand what you mean by UX desktop?
There was this SV Repo for special UX that was shown at a CIDC. I don’t know where the APPs are.
I’m guessing the question is about U(ser) (e)X(perience) design practices.
Although you may actually mean UI ie how to design an accessible user interface in Clarion.
Thank you for this, I will check out this stuff. This is a big help.
Yes, to get some ideas when it comes to designing. Because I started clarion with almost zero knowledge when it comes to programming, but I am already debugging existing apps built with clarion for almost 3 years. What I learned most on clarion are the data analyzation(mostly backend processes) that’s why I am trying to jump on designing an application (almost user experience based).
Yes Sir, I am asking for some screenshots to get some designing ideas. I am looking for business apps like inventory management application. I am looking for at least a lightweight modern look of an application, which are common nowadays. I prefer White or Dark mode theme of an app, which are built originally with clarion. Thank you in advanced.
Here’s one https://www.veculim.com/Screenshots.htm
Thank you very much on this link, Sir @Bruce
Here are a couple of screenshots of a typical Clarion app that we create. Its Clarion at its heart, but we make extensive use of the Codejock UI controls to create a more modern and functional UI.
Hope they help
Hi Christian,
I created a little 12-page tour guide of my application, https://issuu.com/softwaretailor/docs/marge_2021_tour_guide.
Click the fullscreen button in the lower right to view it better.
My intention wasn’t to show its Clarion design to other developers, but to give a peek to new users of my program, although I did include a few nice screen images. Perhaps they may be helpful to you.
In particular, all my browse procedures have a set of tabs on the right side. So the images on pages 5 and 6 are on the same window. I’ve found this very helpful in eliminating unnecessary navigation and showing child related tables.
Like Bruce asks though, a Clarion app can look very different for different applications. You want to make the data entry part easy-to-use and efficient, and the reporting and analysis part intuitive and informative.
Thanks for the help and idea guys, this will also serve as a help to the clarion community regarding application designs.