Use File Open and pick ImportFMCSA002.clw
Find Pre(que)
Then scroll down to the field named DOT
How is that declared?
Does it have a DIM(
If Yes, should it?
Repeat the above
searching for Pre(bas) then DOT_NUMBER
You probably won’t find it, I would guess it’s in your Dictionary
So open your DCT
Find the file with PRE(bas)
Find the field DOT_NUMBER
It probably has a DIM number that you entered accidentally when you meant to enter that number into size
Failing that you could search in your root module
for Pre(bas) then DOT_NUMBER
YES, thought I had checked but missed one file. Many thanks Carl and everyone. Have been struggling with this for days. Now to reconcile the other 2 dataset changes which are keyed to the DOT number. Thanks again for the help.