i’m using clarion 10 and i want to view a pdf file in a clarion windows. How can i do it?
One of the Chromium based products.
Chrome Explorer from Capesoft
EasyEdgeChromium from Ingasotplus
I think @noyantis might have something, too. Perhaps in the Chilikat wrappers?
I have successfully used Chrome Explorer to do this.
That’s correct, we have a PDF template that wrappers various different viewer engines (some of which are free to use like Adobe, SkySoft and Sorax etc).
The wrapper works with ABC + Legacy and supports C6 → C11.1
Its a case of adding the Global Extensions, adding the window control to your window, then optionally adding the Navigation / Zoom controls.
A demo is available on the PDF Wrapper product page:-
Thanks, and thanks for the suggestion @Rick_UpperPark
You might review this thread for more information…
(PDF not working in Clarion IMAGE control)
Chrome Explorer embeds the Chromium engine into your application. It’s basically a browser control, so you can view things browsers can typically view. Like HTML pages, websites, and yes, PDF files.
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