What is Virtual Embed Editing?

I’ve started getting an error message when I click the View Source button.

The templates do not support Virtual Embed Editing

I cant find any reference to Virtual Embed Editing in the help docs.

I’ve had quite a few appgen template error messages popping up today which I’ve never seen before in life but this is one that keeps appearing when I try to view embed in source.


I’ve actually seen that error somewhat recently. I was using a set of Clarion 5 Legacy templates, registered in Clarion 11. When I did a right-click, Embeditor Source, on a procedure, it failed. It could edit embeds in the embed tree, but it could not use the embeditor.

I have not yet done a comparison between the C5 and C11 Legacy templates to determine the specific cause, but I imagine it’s something in the #PROCEDURE template, probably something quite simple. (Or maybe you are not embedding in a Procedure? Global Embeds for example can’t be “sourced” in this way.)

I found it, it needs this code, but there is nothing in the help docs which mentions this Virtual Embed Editing.

#! This section is the Embed Editor's View Source button
#! It needs to be after the #Application #Sheet/#Tab prompts section &
#! before anything else in the #Application section otherwise 
#! the rest of the code is processed which can take a long time
#! The only exception to this is if any of that code before it is needed 
#! to help process/generate code in the Procedure.
#!                                                                              #Call(%DT,%T,'#IF(%EditProcedure['& %EditProcedure &'])')
  #CREATE(%EditFilename)                                                        #Call(%DT,%T,'#CREATE(%EditFilename['& %EditFilename &'])')
                                                                                #Call(%DT,%T,'#FIND(%ModuleProcedure['& %ModuleProcedure &'],%EditProcedure['& %EditProcedure &'])')
  #FIND(%ModuleProcedure,%EditProcedure)                                        #Call(%DT,%T,'#FIX(%Procedure['& %Procedure &'],%ModuleProcedure['& %ModuleProcedure &'])')
  #FIX(%Procedure,%ModuleProcedure)                                             #Call(%DT,%T,'#MESSAGE(''Generating Module:    '' & %Module['& %Module &'],1)')
  #MESSAGE('Generating Module:    ' & %Module,1)                                #Call(%DT,%T,'#MESSAGE(''Generating Procedure: '' & %Procedure['& %Procedure &'],2)')
  #MESSAGE('Generating Procedure: ' & %Procedure,2)                             #Call(%DT,%T,'#GENERATE(%Procedure['& %Procedure &'])')
  #GENERATE(%Procedure)                                                         #Call(%DT,%T,'#COMMENT(60)')
  #COMMENT(60)                                                                  #Call(%DT,%T,'#CLOSE')
  #CLOSE                                                                        #Call(%DT,%T,'#ABORT')
#ENDIF                                                                          #Call(%DT,%T,'#ENDIF')

The #Call(%DT template code on the right is a template #group that sends a message to debugview that I can toggle on and off using #Prompt(‘Toggle Debugview messages’,Check),%T in the #Application prompts. You can also use this to spot bugs in templates and work out ways to optimise the shipping templates.