WkHtmlToPdf DLL prototype

Hello all
does someone have DLL prototypes for

I use the commandline version and run it ie

commandLine = ‘wkhtmltopdf.exe -q --orientation Portrait --image-quality 100 --print-media-type ‘&’"’&CLIP(pDocumentnaam)&‘" "’&clip(WisLaatsteMap(glo:uncmapbijlagen))&‘\DOC_BRON\bijlage.pdf’&‘"’ ! Add any additional parameters here

Yes, I use it on same way but the problem is - it does not work when you have image inside HTML, using full url, like

<img src="http://localhost:1111/doc/img.jpg" width="300">

it just hangs. I figured that just today so I presume it will also not work using DLL
Now I need to figure out how to handle HTML when user pasted content with image.
Thanks anyway.

That is not true, I am calling wkhtmltopdf.exe from both an .exe (running as a service) and .dll and it works fine. And it works with images, although I must admit these are embedded images.

Did you test your command line string in a DOS box to see if it works there?

Maybe it make a difference if you use the API ShellExecute versus the Clarion RUN statement. It might worth a try.