Can we get to 400 members? Join now, bring your friends!

We Made It!! :star: :fireworks: :gift::boom::heart::dizzy:

Welcome @Mateusz as well as everyone else who has recently joined. Great to have you here!

As you can see we still have a large number of users in the “new user” trust level. These are folks who are yet to progress beyond the basics of logging in. If you need any help, just shout out and someone will be around!

Boost yourself into the Basic club!

If a user sticks around long enough to read a bit, Discourse now trusts them as a basic user.

You can get to trust level 1 by…

  • entering (clicking on!) at least 5 topics
  • reading at least 30 posts
  • spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

To get you started, here are some highlights right here on ClarionHub.

The Categories page is always a good start to see what is around.

Great to see you here, looking forward to more.
