Clarion 10.12760 - with poll and link to SV Blog post! - WARNING ❗

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C10 update released (Nov 8)

Today we released another update for C10. It’s a big release with over 150+ fixes/changes/features. the release includes some small but useful features like export to JSON from Topscan, option to display the Owner/password in Topscan -when Owner is visible as text Copy/Paste is available. (Password icon toggles ON/OFF), improvements to the SystemString and JSON classes, better error handling in the SQL drivers, and much more.
[…] C10 update released (Nov 8) - Clarion

FEATURE: TopScan: Added option to Export to JSON, to left align numbers, and to quote numbers
FEATURE: TopScan: Added the option to see the Owner field as plain text. When Owner is visible text Copy/Paste is available. (Password icon toggles ON/OFF)
FEATURE: You can now add the -au switch to ClarionCl to get txa export and generate commands to automatically upgrade app and dct files to the current version. Without this switch ClarionCl will fail when trying to upgrade the app and you will have to manually press the OK button to upgrade dct files.
FEATURE: IDE: Added new option to Attach the Clarion debugger to a running process: Main Menu->Debug->“Attach Clarion Debugger to Process”(it uses the Cladbne.exe)
FEATURE: IDE: Editor: Added new context menu: Go To Matching Braces, Go To Folding Start and Go To Folding End
FEATURE: ABC: WindowManager: new method OnCloseEventCancelled that is called when the user cancels the windows close using Message (if the record was changed)
FEATURE: ABC: Relation Tree template: Allow to modify the text in the popup
FEATURE: ABC: Browse Filtered Locator- new option to not disable the locator when the filter condition causes the browse to be emptied.
FEATURE: AB Mail: Added embed for when the “SMTP Send Fail”
FEATURE: Added example project to show how to use the SystemString inside a GROUP
FEATURE: Added function ‘OpenFileLink’ to open a file using shellexecute (CWUTIL.INC)
FEATURE: Clarion Chain: New embed for when the user cancels the Window close using the message (if the record was changed)
FEATURE: ClaRunExt method ImageSaveThumbnailPix PROCEDURE(STRING fileNameIn, STRING fileNameOut, LONG pixelsWidth),LONG,PROC to set the size of the Thumbnail in pixels.
FEATURE: ErrorClass new method to return a JSON string from the last error
FEATURE: New Example: Using the SystemString class to minify html files
FEATURE: JSON: Support for SystemString references inside a GROUP.
FEATURE: JSON: AddArray method
FEATURE: JSON: new helper functions in the JSON class: ErrorToJson, FileErrorToJson
FEATURE: JSON: Support for SystemString references inside a GROUP.
FEATURE: SystemString: method to TrimIncontext, find an string using regular expression IndexOfReg
FEATURE: SystemString: Added Alias methods Get/Set string
FEATURE: SystemString: Added Resize method that will resize the internal string without losing data (if bigger)
FEATURE: SystemString: GetLeftOf GetRightOf
FEATURE: SystemString: methods to do replace in segments AddReplaceInContentSegment and ReplaceInContentSegment add many segments to replace and then do all replacements at one time
FEATURE: SystemString: method to TrimIncontext, find a string using regular expression IndexOfReg
FEATURE: SystemString: GetLeftOf GetRightOf
FEATURE: SystemString: methods to do replace in segments AddReplaceInContentSegment and ReplaceInContentSegment add many segments to replace and then do all replacements at one time
FEATURE: SystemStringClass: Added methods to deal with Remove SubString
FEATURE: SystemString: added methods to count number of tokens and words
FEATURE: SystemString: Added UrlDecode and the ability to call UrlEncode and UrlDecode with local string as functions
FEATURE: H5: Added (initial) EIP support to the ABC Browse List control. Web Procedure Extension - Controls - TheListControl - EIP NOTE: For H5 EIP to work the EIP must be disabled and use a Form for the EIP
FEATURE: H5: Added new method to the WbWindowManagerClass (default WebWindowManager) GoHome() and CancelGoHome() to allow to close all the SDI windows and return to the frame
FEATURE: H5: Added template option to add a condition to the linked global Javascript files and css files
FEATURE: H5: Added (initial) EIP support to the ABC Browse List control. Web Procedure Extension - Controls - TheListControl - EIP NOTE: For H5 EIP to work the EIP must be disabled and use a Form for the EIP
FEATURE: H5: Added new method to the WbWindowManagerClass (default WebWindowManager) GoHome() and CancelGoHome() to allow to close all the SDI windows and return to the frame
FEATURE: H5: Added template option to add a condition to the linked global Javascript files and css files
FEATURE: H5: Global Prompts to add code on every page for the Before Assets and Meta Tags
FEATURE: H5: added option to override only the skeletons (or not) separated from the Window Skeleton options
FEATURE: H5: Added template prompt to add literal JavaScript on the procedure
FEATURE: H5: Added new method on the WbWindowManagerClass to open a file on the Client (similar to the report preview but supports any user files)
FEATURE: H5: Added global template prompts (#TAB(‘JS and CSS Files’)) to add global JS and CSS Files
FEATURE: H5: Added support to the templates to create Upload field from the ENTRY and set the properties
FEATURE: H5: Added new hiddenentry skeleton to create hidden input tags using an ENTRY control. To use it set the control’s extra capabilities to hidden on the Web Procedure Extension for that control.
FEATURE: H5: Added new secondary lookup button that is added at the beginning of the entry instead of the end
FEATURE: H5: Added template prompt to select the file types accepted in the Upload field. NOTE: It supports a set of comma-separated strings, each of which is a valid MIME type, with no parameters. Ie:image/*,application/zip
FEATURE: H5: Added new Global Prompts to add code to ‘n Document Ready’ and ‘On Document Style’, to add global Javascript and global styles from the templates
FEATURE: H5: Added prompt to set the target zone for controls. NOTE: use target zone ‘CollapseNavbar’ to send controls to the menu bar.
FEATURE: H5: AppBroker: support uploading files, the files are uploaded to the instance directory for each connection
FEATURE: H5: Appbroker Service Manager: new option to change the Machine IP when the computer has more than one IP. Also it support localhost
FEATURE: H5: Browse inline buttons option to make them visible only if the forwarded button is enable and visible
FEATURE: H5: Browse option to enable disable the inline buttons base on a condition
FEATURE: H5: Global option on the template to hide common named controls if they are found
FEATURE: H5: Global option to set buttons on the None Collapsible Navbar
FEATURE: H5: H5.JS: added new function to allow to reload the page with out sending the Form information to the server. icReload()
FEATURE: H5: Updated “Upload File” skeleton (to use it, set the ENTRY control capability to ‘upload’)
FEATURE: H5: Web Procedure setting to “Keep Scroll position on refresh” to refresh the page Ajax-like
FEATURE: H5: added template support for using the browse columns width
FEATURE: H5: added template prompt for the SetSubmitOnCancel property
FEATURE: H5: Added minified JS and CSS library
FEATURE: H5: Added new bootstrap.min skeletons that minifies the generated output and use the minified JS and CSS (to use it change on the global template the Skeleton to bootstrap.min)
FEATURE: H5: Appbroker now verify the existence of the PUBLIc and Skeletons directories before allowing to register the broker.
FEATURE: H5: AppBroker the text of the broker can be translated changing the text on the AppBrokerServiceMgr.INI file
FEATURE: H5: Added new look to MESSAGE
FEATURE: H5: Global setting to show or not the Window Title in the message or the message title GlobalFiles. Get/Set WindowTextOnMessage
FEATURE: H5: added new method to be able to Unauthorize the login Authorization. WebWindowManager.Unauthorize()
FEATURE: H5: added global prompt to set a common user defined LoginValidation procedure to validate the UserName and Password
FEATURE: H5: Added forward button to Image click event to press a button when the image is clicked.
FEATURE: H5: added user defined Javascript to execute on the Image Click. FIX: Restrict the event to defined controls
FEATURE: H5: Added option to set a fix page size for the report to pdf from the Report it definition

CHANGE: ABC: Added more information to the Generation Error “%FixClassName: Cannot find class”
CHANGE: ABC Browse method ResetFromAsk is public now
CHANGE: ABC Browse FilterLocatorClass: the SELF.FreeElement = SELF.Shadow is not executed any more after the UpdateWindow allowing to clear the filter that fails.
CHANGE: ABC: Code PRocedure now support open/close of files used by extension templates
CHANGE: Added documentation to the PROP:PrintMode EQUATE values 1-decoded (DIB) 2-undecoded (Original) 3-Both (inline comments)
CHANGE: AppBroker.exe now uses LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL for SSL communications
CHANGE: Email Support: Added Attachments prompt to the template. The prompt value could be a variable or the names of files separated by pipe | If it is a variable, the variable must contain the names of the files separated by pipe symbol
CHANGE: H5: Upload now allows to disable the upload button (moved code to H5.js file)
CHANGE: H5: Restrict the control displayed on the Forward click prompts to BUTTONs
CHANGE: H5: change the drop list with on the template to accommodate longer text
CHANGE: H5: if the window does not have a menu and one is not inherited from the frame the “hamburger” menu icon is not shown
CHANGE: H5: Better action when clicking on the back button, not sending all the Form information
CHANGE: H5: Better setting of the branding images location.
CHANGE: H5: If the request data is bigger than the available memory close the socket to stop any further upload (web browsers do not respond untill the upload is finish or the socket is closed)
CHANGE: H5: Speed up download process using adaptive buffer to read the information.
CHANGE: H5: Stop trying to resolve the OLE control class. Stop showing the OLE controls in the list of controls
CHANGE: H5: The menu bar is no longer partially created by the window skleleton, now created by the menubar skeleton
CHANGE: H5: The window skeleton now creates the navbar with two regions, left and right and add the new NoneCollapseNavbar zone to the right side
CHANGE: H5: Upload button added code to update the name of the selected file to be uploaded. support UploadMulti and UploadAccept properties to change the number of files and file types accepted
CHANGE: H5: added property to create the cancel (back) button with or without submitting the whole form. If you set WebWindowProperty.SetSubmitOnCancel(false) it will not send the whole Form
CHANGE: H5: can use global variables to set the Branding file names
CHANGE: H5: return more error codes from the server
CHANGE: H5: redistribution of the prompts in the procedure Web Extension ‘Window’ Tab to make them easy to find and override only if needed.
CHANGE: H5: Added function to POST from a button instead of GET
CHANGE: H5: adjust some template prompts UI for controls
CHANGE: H5: Added option to move the button to the navbar on the control properties
CHANGE: Increase the size of the drop list for the selection of a class on the ABC template dialog
CHANGE: JSON: Internally now it uses the SystemString instead of a large string declared and then moves the internal cursor
CHANGE: Moved some template functions from H5 wbprg.tpw to SVFnGrp.TPW
CHANGE: SystemString: trimInContext now is a public function
CHANGE: The Btrieve driver now reports error 47 instead of record not available when you attempt to fetch a record that is smaller than the record structure and there is a MEMO in the record structure
CHANGE: WebRequest now returns the redirected Url if the response is “error Redirect”
CHANGE: PDFOutput now the page size can be set on the Setup method to a fixed size page and will not be overridden by the PageSetup size
CHANGE: ADO: Some equate values were not using the hexadecimal standard value
CHANGE: H5: Added support to have hidden variables in a TEXT control to support bigger than 255 characters

FIX: Possible GPF when destroying files
FIX: Possible GPF when doing property access on a null key. Now returns file error.
FIX: %THISDIR% redirection macro did not work when the compiler was looking for files
FIX: ABC BloblToImage: When using Alternate image the PROP:Handle was assigned with the Alt image information
FIX: ABC Relation Tree template could show symbol errors IF the tree control has update / expand buttons, AND the control is deleted and re-added
FIX: ABC Source Template: Some embeds were not in generation order in the Embed Tree
FIX: AppGen: Last Modified timestamp was sometimes being updated even when no obvious changes had been made to a procedure. This tended to happen after an app had been imported from text
FIX: ClaRunExt: WebRequest: when the url ended in “/” the result url used was incorrect
FIX: H5: Grid was not showing the navigation buttons
FIX: H5: ABC: Report was not executing EndReport when no PDF was generated.
FIX: H5: Custom JS was not generated for the buttons
FIX: H5: PDF name can’t be a variable. Now using the ! means the variable name
FIX: H5: Appbroker: sometimes it could take longer to respond when the request is empty
FIX: H5: Grid was using the wrong interface name MakeStringVal instead of MakeStringVal2
FIX: H5: If the entry has a lookup button and the Forward control is itself, do not hide the control even with the option to hide it.
FIX: H5: If a report was not in WebMode the WebPDFreview was still used
FIX: H5: POST operation with big very memos could lock the socket
FIX: H5: Some times the report to PDF was not set
FIX: H5: Table responsive attribute was not used
FIX: H5: When the prompt has the option to hyperlink the text was misaligned. (by default the prompt’s hyperlink open on the same target window), for other target windows use a string control
FIX: H5: When the app closed it was using the URL .EXE. instead of the .WAP
FIX: H5: When there is a _stopped.html file in the public directory the file was not used until the browser was refreshed. Resource files should not being cached
FIX: H5: When PORT is blank the generated index file was not correct. Now it adds the PORT number the broker should be running on for the index page.
FIX: H5: When string control is set as a hotstring it was using wrong template symbol to validate the hyperlink value and was not refreshing if the value was a variable.
FIX: H5: xy positioning of the page could be null
FIX: ImageToPng left the original file open so it could not be deleted
FIX: JSON: Adding a subqueue to a JSON group could fail
FIX: JSON: Inner Groups were adding an extra {
FIX: Json class was not using the Exernal Name for the Queue References
FIX: MySQL would return a Invalid Cursor State error when opening a table where there were at least two different TIME fields.
FIX: NAME(file) did not return the name assigned via file{PROP:Name}
FIX: ODBC driver could corrupt memory if you used the TURBOSQL switch, and had a DECIMAL field in the file structure, and the first SELECT statement issued against this field returned a DECIMAL with higher precision than defined in the Clarion field definition. Note: This is an extension to the fix in build 12286.
FIX: Output Report to PDF - when using a variable CLIP trailing spaces from the password
FIX: PDF Output: Adjust output to comply with pdf1.3
FIX: PIE could be drawn incorrectly for some values of the end angle
FIX: PIE function could remain a string not popped from the string stack
FIX: PTSS# 40152: SystemString class insert and remove bugs
FIX: PTSS# 40155 SystemString class replaceInContent bug
FIX: PTSS# 42228 HTTPWebRequest method doesn’t send/use authorization header (PTSS# 42411)
FIX: Possible memory corruption at compile time if the program defined too many pragmas
FIX: Removed DllCanUnloadNow, DllGetClassObject, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer from WIN32.LIB
FIX: SystemString Trim method was failing when optional parameters were used.
FIX: SystemString appending 1 character
FIX: SystemString: cursor mode, setting the initial buffer length will move the cursor
FIX: SystemString: not omitted parameters could be empty
FIX: SystemStringClass: Replacing a string for empty or spaces did not return the expected result
FIX: The Btrieve driver did not work with files with spaces in the file name
FIX: The ODBC driver could cause errors the first time you accessed a file when you used Firebird, and you had a TIME field in your record structure that was not part of a timestamp group structure
FIX: WebRequest: accept a url that ends with “/”
FIX: You could not upgrade a dictionary who’s internal version was less than 13 (C9)
FIX: Clarioncl would lockup if the /ax switch was used and the redirection file had . redirected to a directory other than the current directory.
FIX: ADO: SetNoSortOn was missing a comma on the virtual definition

PTSS 41788: Template Window Select 1st control should Select(?OPTION) not ?RADIO1
PTSS 42228: HTTPWebRequest method doesn’t send/use authorization header
PTSS 42399: ODBC Driver CRASH on 2nd open
PTSS 42407: Error in QuickXMLParser.clw ParseValue result when value is one character long
PTSS 42427: ODBC driver returned error 07009 with some tables
PTSS 42429: Clarion chain defined SaveFileErrorCode as LONG but it should be STRING
PTSS 42432: There were files exported even when the DefaultExternal was ‘None External’ IF that value was changed before (mostly moving from a Data DLL to a DLL with the external files)
PTSS 42436: Auto Number using Descending Key was broken in the Clarion chain templates
PTSS 42447: The error "Symbol %DefaultBaseClassType was being returned empty, now it returns the procedure name

IDE Filedrop properties selecting a field to fill from crashes the IDE

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I’m seeing a Corrupt Pragma String error when compiling my Data DLL.

A bit like a chicken & egg. I generally won’t touch an SV release until reading of some success & perhaps a few very specific failures. So far, this one is looking a bit too hot to handle.

Mea Culpa just posted on the newsgroups… see details here.