Clarion 10 update on the SoftVelocity blog

A new blog post from SoftVelocity has appeared today along with a new build of C10.

The title is simply Clarion 10 update and highlights a couple of features in this release.

FEATURE: (ABC & Clarion) ActiveImage class. Image control now supports Template Actions.

This release has an initial start on template support for utilizing the new ActiveImage class.

The idea is to make it easy to use the Theme images that we introduced at the CIDC last month. The ActiveImage template provides functionality to your Image control so that it “mimics” — behaves similar to a Button control. (cont…)

A mention of the themes:

For the Themes – we added a whole new set, and now each theme comes with over 2100 images ready to use in several sizes.

2100 images… Is that good or bad?
Also, I am still unclear if this is a template for the Enterprise version only or Professional as well. Anyone have any clue about that one?

We’ll be looking for feedback on the template and we need to gauge the interest level in the themes to see what direction the template will take in the future.

What template is that and where to I poke at it with my SublimeText editor? :smiley:

FEATURE: Implemented user-defined properties:

A user-defined property allows you to associate a string value with any entity’s standard properties
for example: built-in variables (SYSTEM, PRINTER, TARGET), WINDOWs, REPORTs,
controls, bands, etc. (cont…)

Interesting… lets see what happens with this one eh!

Alright then, I found it in Professional Edition! Helps when you actually pay attention to the words.
Drag a standard image control from the toolbox onto your window then in actions you can enable the active image. You know, like it says in the picture from the blog post… “Enable Active Image” :smiley:

Here is my own screenshot:

Now I am hunting for the theme template…