Clarion Sucks (A repost from ClarionEdge)

Yeah, it’s not terribly helpful - I’ve probably used it only a half-dozen times in the last decade. There have been alternate debuggers (like the AWE Debugger) but I’ve not used that (and it’s defunct now) because the very concept of stepping through code like that is a little foreign to me. It always seemed like a very slow way to do things.

Personally I’m in the memory-address camp for GPF’s - well module names and numbers really (see How to improve the Call Stack when your program GPFs to show Procedure Names) and I spend my life in DebugView++ - which is both fast and effective.

yes, I agree they could do a serious rethink of the SQL stuff. But that said, we’re not reliant on SV for that - there have been many libraries for doing more direct SQL access over the years - that’s not hard to do if you need extra something.