Minimum laptop screen size for clarion 11?

What’s the minimum laptop screen size to run clarion 11 on comfortably?

I don’t let any of the pads float but I’m aware there are some really small laptop screens out there which is ideal for commuting on planes or trains with restricted elbow space.

But what would be an acceptable screen size if not having to commute and just working from a desk?



I have a Dell XPS13. Although I haven’t used Clarion on it, I think it would be too small for regular use in Clarion. It does, however, work well for development with a docking station and external monitors.

A 15" at 1920x1080 or so would probably be just fine for normal use without a docking station. Maybe 14", but I have my doubts :slight_smile:

You’d want to look at the native resolution of the screen too, at various magnifications, to see what would be acceptable for you. Not just the size of the screen itself.

Thanks Jeff. I’ve been working on 24” 1920x1080 so didn’t know what would be a comfortable size seeing that laptops go up to 18” but will probably kill the battery when on it.

Hi Richard,

Personally I use the HP Zbook 15.1" x360 - it runs Clarion perfectly and also has the benefit of flipping into a pad if you need it to - but with solid hinges unlike some cheaper alternatives.

I’ve used it on planes many times and even with restricted space you can still work.

Cheers, Andy

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I made this simple Screen Sizer window to help me size presentations for Dev Con and Clarion Live webinars. It is useful for testing what will fit.

You do have to consider Zoom Factor e.g. my Surface is 2736x1824 but runs at 200% so effectively 1/2 that at 1368 x 912 which is not far off from what a typical Laptop at 1366x768 was before hi rez:

With Clarion resized to fit inside the window.

The Source that relies on PROP:Pixels to set the size …

!ClarionLive presentations should be HD 1920x1080. This window helps size the IDE and other windows while I work at 2560x1440.
Wnd WINDOW('1920x1080 Window - Blue Area only - Right click for Options'),AT(,,395,224),GRAY,FONT('Segoe UI',16),SYSTEM,ICON(Icon:Child),ALRT(MouseRight)
    STRING('1920 x 1080'),AT(2,1),FONT(,,Color:White),TRN,USE(?Rez)
W LONG(1920)
H LONG(1080)    
     IF EVENT()=EVENT:AlertKey AND KEYCODE()=MouseRight THEN
        EXECUTE POPUP('1920 x 1080 <9>ClarionLive|1600 x 900|1366 x 768 <9>Laptop|1280 x 720 <9>720p' & |
                   '|-|1280 x 800 <9>CIDC 2019' & |
                   '|-|1024 x 768 <9>4:3|800 x 600|640 x 480' & |
                   '|-|Microsoft Surface{{2736 x 1824  200%  SurfacePro 4+' & |
                     '|2256 x 1504  150%  Laptop 13.5' & |
                     '|2496 x 1664  150%  Laptop 15' & |
                     '|3000 x 2000  200%  Book 13.5' & |
                     '|3240 x 2160  200%  Book 15' & |
        SetWH(1920 , 1080)
        SetWH(1600 , 900 )
        SetWH(1366 , 768 )
        SetWH(1280 , 720 )
        SetWH(1280 , 800 )
        SetWH(1024 , 768 )
        SetWH(800  , 600 )
        SetWH(640  , 480 )
        SetWH(2736 , 1824 , 200)   !SurfacePro 4+
        SetWH(2256 , 1504 , 150)   !Surface Laptop 13.5
        SetWH(2496 , 1664 , 150)
        SetWH(3000 , 2000 , 200)   !Surface Book 13.5
        SetWH(3240 , 2160 , 200)   
        IF ~AskWH() THEN CYCLE.  
        ELSE ; CYCLE
        0{PROP:Text}=W & 'x' & H &' Window'
        ?Rez{PROP:Text}=W & ' x ' & H


RWnd WINDOW('New Resolution'),AT(,,142,57),GRAY,SYSTEM,ICON(ICON:Child),FONT('Segoe UI',10)
        STRING(' X '),AT(65,10),USE(?X)
    W1=W ; H1=H
        IF ACCEPTED()=?Ok THEN 
    RETURN B (46.7 KB)


As the risk of theft is high where I am, anyone see any problems with this one?

It’s a good price for a start and these n100 cpus have good reviews.

The instruction set is 64bit so I’m assuming I can run c11 on it. Anyone know?

Personally, I think the 4gb might limit the PC a little - I would try to opt for a little more ram, or at least see if it can be manually upgraded.



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I have wondered that myself, but I’ll wait till I get it and give it a run through before looking at upgrades.

Its kind of the complete opposite to my desktop in terms of spec and even running low ram virtual pc’s can only test so much in terms of performance because vmware doesnt let us choose a low spec cpu, only network speed, hd space, ram size and how many cores.

The Windows 11 S will mean disabling the app store so I can side load Clarion onto it.

Would be nice if there was a way to test drive this machine.

My feeling is that you will find it inadequate. The N100 might be ok, but 4GB is probably shared with the video. If you run nothing else but Clarion, maybe it will work, but it will probably not be a rocket ship. :slight_smile:

I’m not paying for it but I have a few reg settings I can change to make the foreground app run faster and more responsive when they are low powered machines so I can try those if need be.

The biggest bottleneck for laptops in the past have been the spin disks to handle the bumps but this is an ssd so should be faster.

This reg key tweak can make any slow foreground app a lot lot faster and more responsive.



Win32PrioritySeparation (

I might have posted this before on here.


I did. Extremly slow compile Clarion 11 - #23 by Richard_R

Default Windows CPU Scheduling.
Control Panel, System Icon, Advanced System Settings, Advanced Tab, Performance Settings Button, Advanced Tab, Best Performance of:
0x26 (100110) Programs - Shorter Intervals, Variable Length Intervals, Foreground 3:1
0x18 (011000) Background Services - Longer Intervals, Fixed Length Intervals, Foreground & Background equal interval lengths.

Something to bear in mind if choosing Fixed Length Intervals “the middle two bits (AABBCC) from Win32PrioritySeparation”, is if the process and threads have nothing to do, the process will hand back to the OS, so its not going to make the CPU/OS just cycle wasting time before handing over to another process.

Taken from:
Context Switches - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

Until threads that are suspended or blocked become ready to run, the scheduler does not allocate any processor time to them, regardless of their priority.

The most common reasons for a context switch are:

  • The time slice has elapsed.
  • A thread with a higher priority has become ready to run.
  • A running thread needs to wait.

When a running thread needs to wait, it relinquishes the remainder of its time slice.

So I actually think for maximum responsiveness these two are the best and amount to the same thing:
0x16 (010110) which is:
Longer intervals - Longer or shorter is cancelled out by variable length intervals.
Variable-length intervals - lets any process complete what its trying to do before handing back to OS, controlled by the 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1 foreground : background ratio.
3 : 1. The threads of foreground processes get three times as much processor time than the threads of background processes each time they are scheduled for the processor.

0x26 (100110) which is:
Shorter Intervals - Longer or shorter is cancelled out by variable length intervals.
Variable-length intervals - lets any process complete what its trying to do before handing back to OS, controlled by the 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1 foreground : background ratio.
3 : 1. The threads of foreground processes get three times as much processor time than the threads of background processes each time they are scheduled for the processor.

And thats the key, the Variable Length intervals (aa01cc) override the longer or shorter intervals and the 3:1 Foreground:Background process time ratio (aabb10) gives the User the responsiveness they expect.

Obviously running less apps and services can also free up cpu time, as I do wonder how much time is spent context switching between apps & services just for them to report they have nothing to do!

15-17 inch screen. I love my 14" but I abandoned hopes to run CW on it due screen size :slight_smile:

For reference which can apply to newer machines.

PERFBOOSTMODE | Microsoft Learn

Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Specification, Version 6.1 Errata A (

ACPI overview - Windows drivers | Microsoft Learn

Collaborative Processor Performance Control (CPPC) — The Linux Kernel documentation

If your bios doesnt have a setting for CPPC and CPPC Preferred cores, look in Window Event Viewer, Windows Logs, System and look for Event 55 Kernel-Processor-Power.

1 event entry for each logical (physical core * hyper threading (if enabled)) core.

If CPPC is enabled the event viewer entry should read:
Performance state type: ACPI Collaborative Processor Performance Control

Compare Maximum performance percentage in the event viewer entry and if they are all the same then Preferred Cores is disabled.

If preferred cores is enabled, then your “Maximum performance percentage” will vary across each core.

There might be a mismatch between what your CPU hw favours as preferred cores and what windows uses which can explain why your fastest cores remain idle.

Might as well unthrottle a machine if the hardware allows it.