Hi !
Please help me find the secret hotkey to move the control to another tab in С11 (Tab Order Assistant).
There was no such issue in C63. Thanks for the help !
Hi !
Please help me find the secret hotkey to move the control to another tab in С11 (Tab Order Assistant).
There was no such issue in C63. Thanks for the help !
Drag, move and drop…
In the Tab Order Assistant list, DragAndDrop between bookmarks does not work.
In the preview window, Drag And Drop between bookmarks does not work.
You can move the control by editing the source code of the window.
Is that how everyone works in C11 … ?!
Yes for me, especially when several controls are involved in the changes.
The issue can be solved via Cut/Paste in the window editor. But why is the Tab Order Assistant broken?
It’s not broken, I drag and drop all the time.
You do need to be mindful of where you’re dropping, some locations are not possible.
But for the above Dropping onto the tab line itself (it will get highlighted as you drag) will work.
It doesn’t work for me.
The same thing with moving controls to / from a GROUP.
I do not believe that SV has lowered the functionality so much Tab Order Assistant.
I just tried it to confirm.
In the Tab Order Assistant, I click on a button to highlight it. I click and Hold on that line and move up to a tab. As I move there is a thick black line that appears between controls as I move, or a circle with a cross through it indicating I can’t drop there. As I move up control lines also get highlighted. If I hover over a Tab the TAB line is highlighted and If I drop at that point the button moves to the end of the tab controls list
Don’t use the TOA instead drag the control onto the Window e.g. on your window down at the bottom next to the Help button. If there’s not a good spot then resize the Window temporarily (as shown in my example).
A Message will ask “Move control into WINDOW?”. Answer YES which moves the control on the Tab Order.
Then switch to the desired Tab and drag and drop the control on that. Click Yes on the Message to Move control.
Now you want to check your TOA and move the control into the desired order.
You can select multiple controls. You will get 1 confirmation message per control
I did test drag and drop in the TOA in Clarion 10 and it worked for me.
I selected 3 and dropped on the Tab control.
You do have to be exact on where you drop or most times it does nothing. If I dropped on the line below the Tab it did not move the controls because the Tab had no controls. If it had controls that worked. As you move to drop you’ll sometimes see the drop line change between wide and narrow to indicate different things.
As @seanh stated the best move is to drop on the Tab control itself.
Tab 2 was selected showing the new controls I dropped
There is no key I know of and the Down button on TOA toolbar did not work. You must use the mouse to drag and drop.
Can you transfer 20-30 fields to a new bookmark at once to save their location (coordinates) ?
C11.1: How do I select multiple fields in TOA?!
Click on 1st control then Hold Down the Control key and click on additional controls. Works the same selecting on the Window as TOA.
Using Controld+Click for multi-select is Standard Windows Behavior for almost all applications.
The FIRST control clicked will have a WHITE frame the others Black. The White control is the “Anchor” for using the Alignment tools. To change the Anchor just Left click on one of the selected Black frame controls i.e. no Ctrl+Click just Click.
You can Lasso multiple controls by holding down the Control and dragging across the window. When there is a Parent control, like a Tab or Group, to Lasso you typically first click on the Parent then Control plus drag the controls inside the Parent.
I tend to NOT Lasso as it is easy to accidentally move controls or mess up the window. If I’m going to Lasso I’ll first exit the Designer to save the current design, then Renter so if I mess it up I can cancel.
These features all match the Visual Studio window designer as that was what Sharp Develop was trying to match so you can go read/search VS Help.
For that I would use the Window… Editor:
In the …Editor I would probably first put them in Group to be sure I had them all gathered. Just add a line GROUP,AT(x,y),USE(?GrpMoveThese)
. The AT(x,y)
being the Top-Left control AT() minus 1 to 3. Then you have to add an END after the Last Control.
Then I reopen the Designer and check my Group by Deleting it and seeing I got all the controls. Of course you must Canel out of Designer or lose all those controls. Then in …Editor move that Move Group to the other Tab using Cut/Paste. Unfortunately that editor does not allow Collapse the Group so you have to find the END.
One other feature of the Move Group is in the Design if you change the Group X,Y in the Property sheet it will move all the child controls exactly by that amount with none of the “jitter” of dragging. Often when moving that must there will be some adjustment, e.g. to the top of the new tab.
After its all correct you can delete the Move Group but MUST do that in the Window… Editor if you do it in the Designer it will delete all the Child controls.
In Clarion Live 562 I show some of the features of the Designer for moving and selecting controls. It starts at 23 minutes in.
#562 Live Window WYSIWYG Design and PROPs Reflection MAY 15,2020
It doesn’t work for me in C11.1.
Your install must have a problem. I’ve used all the builds from 9 up and this has always worked. I’m currently on 11.1 13855 and works as advertised.
Is it possible that this is controlled by the setting option ?
Please show a screenshot with several selected entries in TOA C11.1 !
Just to confirm some basics…
You know what the Control Key is?
And what it means to Press and HOLD Down? … But only for the 2nd to Nth control, but not the First.
And when we say Click on Control we mean with the Mouse using the Left Button?
This will work on the control in the TOA list or the Window Control
Сarl thanks for the detailed description !
I asked how to select records and move them to the TOA - but they told me how to make a choice with the mouse to drag them through the enlarged window.
Please take a look at my first picture - the button to move the control down is disable. Next, everyone avoids showing broken control buttons via TOA and talks about dragging with the mouse… Why ?
There is no keystroke to move controls up/down in the tab order assistant. Additionally, as you’ve pointed out, the up/down buttons are disabled when you are on the edge of a Tab control. You can’t use them to move a control to a different tab.
The only way, when using the TOA, is to drag and drop the controls via mouse.