On Screen Keyboard - Clarion 10

I’m trying to run app on a pc with touchscreen. How to force onscreen keyboard to open when there is an entry field ? I set On Screen Keyboard to On and to Auto in Global Properties without success. Does it works at all for desktop applications ?

I found the Tablet mode. Now it works but there is no desktop.

Could you just send the keycodes and let windows bring it up? (I have never tried)

To launch the on-screen keyboard, press the Windows key + Ctrl + O .

WinLeftKey + CtrlO

There are two types of keyboard: on-screen and touch. You can call any one, depending on the version of Windows.

AskKeyBoard          Procedure
Loc:MySpecialFolder  SpecialFolder
Loc:Folder           CSTRING(256) 
  If ( System{Prop:WindowsVersion,8} and (System{Prop:WindowsVersion,9} > WINVERSION:SRV2008R2)) Or |
     (~System{Prop:WindowsVersion,8} and (System{Prop:WindowsVersion,9} > WINVERSION:WINDOWS7 ))

     Loc:Folder = Loc:MySpecialFolder.GetDir(SV:CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON)
     If Loc:MySpecialFolder.GetError() = 0 then Run(Loc:Folder & '\Microsoft Shared\Ink\TabTip.exe').
     Loc:Folder = Loc:MySpecialFolder.GetDir(SV:CSIDL_SYSTEM)
     If Loc:MySpecialFolder.GetError() = 0 then Run(Loc:Folder & '\osk.exe').

If you haven’t read through this post, it might be helpful.